Tuesday, April 5, 2011

25 things about me

1. I do not like extreme weather – not too hot, not too cold. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons. Throw in a nice thunderstorm and I am a happy girl!

2. I obsess about whether people read what I write – and what they think about it.

3. My dad started the Cumberland Covered Bridge Festival in Matthews, IN when mom was pregnant with me.

4. My social life seems mostly dependant on my children’s interest.

5. I love being a Girl Scout leader and take great pride in my work with Girl Scouts.

6. I love that Brad is an organized person, but it drives me crazy when he comments on our unorganized (cluttered) house.

7. I traveled with an international theatre company for five years – four of those years were spent in Central and South America.

8. I love sitcoms - but only when I'm alone.

9. I do not understand selfish people. My dad taught me to give at all times.

10. I like most kinds of music – except bluegrass and hard rock.

11. Bethany’s stubbornness will be the death of me….right after her “the world is out to get me” attitude does me in. I love the girl, but – my gosh! Get over it!!

12. Olivia will have me laughing in my grave – she’s a nut!

13. Cale had me more scared than I’ve ever been in my life when he was born with heart problems.

14. I had a breast lumpectomy in Paraguay – and I assisted with the surgery.

15. Brad and I met on a blind date. His sister-in-law set it up with another girl and she backed out – I was the stand-in.

16. As a young child, the first funeral I went to was my grandpa’s. One of my aunts climbed onto/into the casket – yelling, kicking and screaming the entire time. It took several of my uncles to carry her out of the funeral home. Brad and I have taken our children to funeral homes since a very young age and answer all questions that they have regarding death. I do not want them to have a tragic memory of funeral homes.

17. I would love to scrapbook and sew, but lack the space/time/motivation.

18. Brad and I put our marriage above our children’s happiness – which ultimately results in their happiness. I think that is an odd concept in today’s society.

19. I love lasagna, but have only made it once in my life. It was good too – maybe it’s time to make it again.

20. I enjoy watching The Andy Griffith Show – but I’d rather see Brad and the girls as they quote the lines as they watch it. Yes, we have the entire series on DVD.

21. I think that all babies are gorgeous, even if they’re not.

22. I once had an EMT license, but it expired while I was overseas.

23. I’ve never met a stranger – I was born an extrovert.

24. My tonsils were removed during Christmas break in kindergarten - I was five. When I came home from the hospital I got to tear a loop off our Christmas chain and watch Elvis perform on TV. A classmate, Telly Symms, brought me a get-well present – a book titled “My Favorite Book” – I still have the book.

25. I was stung by a scorpion in Nicaragua.